
This repository contains the analysis reports, technical details or any tools created for helping in malware analysis. Additionally, the repo contains extracted TTPs with code along with the detection rules

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NanoCore DNS Logging

RAT Image

NanoCore logs DNS records using the API DnsGetCacheDataTable. It logs all DNS records saved in cache and logs in a dat file that is exfiltrated later.


Imports and Structures

To fetch the DNS records from cache, NanoCore uses the Api DnsGetCacheDataTable. To save the records, we also need a structure for holding the records as shown in code below

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct DnsRecord
    public IntPtr NextRecord;
    public string Name;
    public short Type;
    public short DataLength;
    public int Flags;
    public int Ttl;

public static extern bool DnsGetCacheDataTable(out IntPtr ppQueryResultsSet);

public static extern void DnsRecordListFree(IntPtr ptr, int type);

Establish a log file

The first thing that NanoCore client binary does is to establish a log file in the public folder, where all the stolen data is being recorded until it is exfiltrated.

private static void setup()
    Console.Write("Setting up logger path...");
	DNS_logger_path = Path.Combine(DNS_logger_path, Path.ChangeExtension("KB_" + Conversions.ToString(Environment.TickCount), "dat"));

Log DNS Records

NanoCore uses DnsGetCacheDataTable to fetch DNS records. This code will iterate over DNS records using the NextRecord variable defined in structure and save every valid record in a list of string. Finally the list is returned for logging.

private static string[] GetDnsRecords(short recordType)
    Console.WriteLine("Setting DNS record retrieved type to A class domains");

    List<string> list = new List<string>();
    IntPtr ptr;
    if (DnsGetCacheDataTable(out ptr))
        Console.WriteLine("Getting DNS Records...");
            DnsRecord dnsRecord = (DnsRecord)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(DnsRecord));
            while (!(dnsRecord.NextRecord == IntPtr.Zero))
                dnsRecord = (DnsRecord)Marshal.PtrToStructure(dnsRecord.NextRecord, typeof(DnsRecord));
                if (dnsRecord.Type == recordType)
                    Console.WriteLine($"DNS record found: {dnsRecord.Name}");
            // Always release memory
            DnsRecordListFree(ptr, 1); // 1 indicates that the DNS cache data is to be freed
    return list.ToArray();

private static void LogDnsRecordsToFile(string filePath, string[] records)
    Console.WriteLine($"Logging retrieved DNS records: {DNS_logger_path}");

        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))
            foreach (string record in records)
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Error writing DNS records to file: " + ex.Message);

The code also prints every record it finds in the cache.

Find Complete Code Click Here: Shaddy43/MalwareAnalaysisSeries


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